Wild Lamoille Rainbow |
This past week has been a good one for fishing pretty much anywhere you go! We've had to deal with some pretty big weather fluctuations, which has had the fish heavy on the bite at times, and not overly willing at others. For the most part though, the fish fish have been aggressive and hungry after a long, dry summer. Depending on the water we've been fishing, the game's been swinging princes, zug bugs and buggers. We've also moved some bigger fish stripping big ugly streamers through the deeper pools and areas with some in-stream structure. Although Iso patterns are still turning fish, I haven't seen an adult Isonychia recently. I have seen some pretty thick cinnamon caddis hatches however. With the higher flows, thanks to some welcome rains recently, we've been able to pull off a couple float trips that have been successful despite ripping winds from various directions. There is nothing like floating the Lamoille in the Fall! The colors are amazing, we never see other anglers and our raft is comfortably quiet.
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Wild Lamoille Brown in a Sea of Rainbows |
There have been some decent LL Salmon caught up North lately, but there have also been plenty of anglers chasing after them. Smelt patterns and smaller BWO nymphs have been turning most of the fish.
My first week of steelheading in Western NY is completely booked and I'll be heading out there on 11/1 thru 11/12. I'm keeping fingers crossed for some rains out there since they've seen similar drought conditions as we have this season and those fish really need a good spat of water to kick them into action. The major Lake Ontario tribs are seeing strong pushes of salmon now on a daily basis despite low river flows. I've heard reports that this could be the best salmon season in recent history out there for those of you that like fishing like you're in a war. Soon I'll be announcing winter steelhead dates on the Salmon River for you hardcore anglers. After Thanksgiving the crowds diminish greatly on the Salmon River, making it a much more desirable place to fish. If you have an interest in doing some steelheading this winter, drop me a line at chris@gmtrout.com.
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